Tips for eating and sleeping on international flights — Star Anise Organic Wholefoods


I sleep poorly on flights so I take a natural melatonin. I like Young Living chewable Immupro tablets or Young Living Sleepessence (To purchase YL products please email me as you need an existing account holder to set up a wholesale account for you and it would be my pleasure to do so) and I wear blue blocking glasses to block out all the blue light which disrupts melatonin production (and hence makes it harder to fall asleep). Young Living oils like lavender or RutaVaLa™ (which is a calming blend of Lavender, Valerian, and Rue) applied topically can support a deeper sleep. I can not sleep if I’m even slightly cold so I wear layers upon layers of warm clothing including 2 pairs of socks and a pashmina. I take a neck pillow too. 

Try to get your circadian rhythm back by adopting the time zone of the destination city as soon as you land even if this means staying up all day when all you want to do is sleep. 

Getting out into the sunshine and grounding your feet in the earth help to adjust your circadian rhythm. 

Quality coffee, raw cacao powder, 100% raw dark chocolate and Young Living peppermint oil all help me stay awake! I always travel with raw cacao powder, raw cacao butter and peppermint oil to make a minty hot choc with boiling water. 

If you must eat the food know that the eggs are probably powdered and hence constitute oxidised cholesterol. Sorry to break that bad boy to you. I would avoid it. The yogurts are typically low-fat and flooded with additives. I personally would prefer to fast than eat plane food (though the fruit salad would be ok if I was pressed to eat something). Still, fasting is not a bad option to get your mitochondria firing…If you’ve made your mind up to eat the plane food then eat it, make peace with your decision and DON’T STRESS ABOUT IT as stress is more toxic than the most toxic food. Got it?!

RADIATION and other lurgies.

A mineral-rich diet goes a very long way in supporting the body after exposure to radiation and other toxins. 

Young Living Melrose essential oil is touted to protect against radiation bombardment – I inhale a few drops in the palm of my hands and apply them topically. 

I also like to rub the almighty Young Living Thieves essential oil blend on the soles of my feet (neat) before boarding, and on my neck and chest (dilute with a natural carrier oil if it feels too “hot” on your skin). I use the Thieves Room Spray or if I run out I cheat and simply dilute Thieves in a small spray bottle of water and use that to spray all around me on the plane and directly on my neck to generally support my system during the flight against any lurgies. Thieves are Young Living’s signature blend and the most copied essential oil in the world. So be on guard for imitators and cheap alternatives. If you want the real deal or want more info on Young Living generally, simply fill out the contact form on this page of my website and I or one of my team leaders will contact you to explain it all to you as you need an existing Young Living member to set up a YL account for you. 

I like to keep things really simple and practical for the average person and not get too fancy with different expensive equipment that reduces radiation exposure because most people can’t afford it or just won’t do it. Travelling healthy shouldn’t be too burdensome or expensive otherwise it becomes a form of stress and, as I keep on saying, stress is more toxic than anything you can put in or on your body. Just do your best to minimise toxic exposure in all its guises and enjoy your travels to the full extent. 

Happy travelling!

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