Does drinking water help your skin? – LJ Natural

When people fill in my skincare quiz, I always ask them how many glasses of water they drink per day. The reason for this is that most people who are struggling with their skin are dehydrated, and their skin reflects it. But I’m here to busts some myths around the question – does drinking water help your skin?

I think in a nutshell the answer is that staying hydrated will help your skin and your whole body in general. Our skin is our biggest organ and it has lots of jobs to do, and staying hydrated will help ALL your organs to function properly. Proper hydration is essential for all aspects of health – skin health included. According to some research, drinking more water won’t necessarily mean that your skin will appear more hydrated, but it can help your body fight other factors that cause skin concerns such as lines, wrinkles and pigmentation.

There’s not a lot of research around the topic, but i did find one that says being hydrated by drinking at least 9 glasses per day is scientifically proven to improves skin thickness: according to a dermatology website, “Research published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science found that drinking over 9 cups of water every day improved skin density and thickness after one month. Thicker skin is less prone to fine lines and wrinkles because it’s more elastic.”

does drinking water help your skin

It isn’t really true that drinking water is anti-aging, it’s more just that you will stay in your best health by being hydrated, you can’t reverse skin changes that have occurred. Eating well, staying hydrated, not smoking and staying out of the sun are all the most important ways to maintain good skin.

So I think that’s pretty much sums it up. Really you just can’t go wrong by staying hydrated – it’s good for your skin but more importantly, it’s good for your whole body, all your organs, and your muscles. Feeling healthy by staying hydrated will affect your appearance and that includes your skin.

Using good quality skincare products will also help your skin to stay in good condition, so make sure you are using some lovely handmade natural skincare, hhmmmm I wonder where you could get some of that?

Let me know if you have any questions.

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