How to Handle a Dog Attack According to Experts

Shawn Riley

Co-authored by:

Canine Trainer & Behaviorist

This article was co-authored by Shawn Riley and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Shawn Riley is a Canine Trainer & Behaviorist based in Tualatin, Oregon. With over 40 years of experience, Shawn trains people to properly establish and maintain leadership roles with their canine companions. Shawn has trained with several acclaimed canine experts and refined The Dog Way training methods through experience and observation of dogs’ natural interactions within their groups. Shawn has appeared on several local TV shows and was recruited by National Geographic as the on-set Behavioral Advisor for a national video series called “My Dog Ate What?” This article has been viewed 1,748,405 times.

Co-authors: 145

Updated: November 29, 2024

Views: 1,748,405

Article SummaryX

Being attacked by a dog can be really scary, but if you stay calm and avoid sudden movements, the dog should lose interest in you. If an aggressive dog approaches you, never run away or make loud noises. This can scare it or make it chase you. Instead, stand still with your hands open by your sides and look away from the dog. If it starts biting or attacking you, yell “Back” or “Stop.” If it keeps attacking you, try to hit or kick it in the face to stun it. You can also use your weight to your advantage by digging your knee or elbow into its throat or ribs. If you fall on the ground, roll onto your stomach and bring your knees into your chest to protect your vital organs. When the dog loses interest in you, slowly and calmly back away from the area until you’re safe. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to spot a potentially dangerous dog, read on.

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