Commonsense – Tasty Tempeh Bites

October 18, 2023 at 4:42 PM


This is one of the tastiest, quickest hot snacks loved by all – but especially vegans.  All you need is a few simple ingredients, 5 minutes, and a frying pan!

These delicious, hot little savoury morsels are great on their own as a snack with your favourite dipping sauce – try mixing hot sauce with some vegan mayo – or as boost of flavour and protein to meals such as salads, sprinkled over ramen broth, or included in stir-fries.  

Even if you don’t consider yourself a tempeh fan, give it a go – we had some hard-line tempeh dislikers try this and they’re hooked!




  • 1 pack tempeh 
  • 2T chili oil 
  • 1/2 t dried herbs (we used a Mediterranean herb mix)
  • Salt to taste 


Crumble tempeh into bite size pieces and toss with all other ingredients.  Heat a pan on high and once hot, add the tempeh turning as needed so all sides are crispy.

Remove from the pan once golden brown.

Makes enough for two or three hungry afternoon snack-eaters or as part of a salad for 4.

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