Dermaplaning is the hottest non-ablative facial procedure to hit the skin care world since, well, skin care. The purpose is to improve the appearance of things like acne scarring and hyperpigmentation with the procedure leaving your skin with a smooth appearance and a radiant glow.
The purpose is to improve the appearance of things like acne scarring and hyperpigmentation with the procedure leaving your skin with a smooth appearance and a radiant glow. Along with the removal of fine hairs, it results in healthier skin that feels silkier and smoother. The procedure is painless and involves a dermatologist or aesthetician using small upward strokes with a scalpel to remove the dead layer of skin with the blade. While it sounds scary, the process is totally safe and can be done every three to four weeks.
6 Truths Everyone Should Know Before Getting a Dermablade Treatment:
1. It will NOT make your hair grow back thicker or darker.
One of the most common misconceptions about dermaplaning is that it will make the hair on your face grow back darker and thicker. This is a total myth! Dermaplaning will have the same effects on your facial hair as shaving your face with a razor, and will not change the texture or number of hair follicles you have on the surface of your face.
2. It helps with acne.
Yes, we know the thought of scraping your face with a blade while you are broken out sounds terrible – but trust us, it will help!”Hyperkeratosis” is a buildup of the top layer of your skin, which causes dull complexion and acne. Dermaplaning reduces the thickness of this layer which helps correct these conditions. Plus, removing this layer of dead skin makes it easier for topical products — like acne creams — to penetrate your skin.
3. It reduces the visible signs of aging.
A decrease in matrix proteins like collagen and elastin are to blame for visible signs of aging and dermaplaning helps promote the production of these proteins.
4. It immediately evens skin tone.
Not only does dermaplaning even out the texture of your skin, it helps make the color appear smoother too.
5. It gets rid of baby hairs.
What’s better than getting smooth, glowing skin? Getting smooth, glowing, hairless skin. Dermaplaning also gets rid of the vellus hairs (affectionately known as “baby hairs” or “peach fuzz”) on the surface of your face in the process of removing dead skin cells. Afterward, your makeup will go on more smoothly with a slight dewy appearance rather than dry and cakey.
6. It doesn’t hurt and there is no downtime!
Waxing, plucking, and threading has made it seem that in order for hair removal to be effective, it has to hurt. That is not the case with dermaplaning. Dermaplaning is entirely painless but just as effective when it comes to getting rid of facial hair.
We are now offering this service with Ariella at Euphoria Med Spa.
Call today for more details. 508-721-8995